Boosting mobile independents` on-line presence

Released on = May 11, 2007, 3:56 am

Press Release Author = indie-guides

Industry = Telecommunications

Press Release Summary = A new on-line directory service is championing the cause of
independent mobile retailers.

Press Release Body = A new on-line directory service is championing the cause of
independent mobile retailers. aims to help independents stand out from the crowd by gaining
them a much higher position on the search engines than their own stand-alone

It works on the principle of a virtual network; every dealer that joins helps to
lever the indie-guides directory to the top of the online search listings, improving
visibility on the web for all members and, most importantly, giving independents
prominence when enquirers search for mobile retailers in a particular area.

Steve Wickens, Managing Director, explains: "As an indie-guides member you will
benefit from a strength in numbers that ratchets up hits on your website and genuine
sales enquiries. Indie-guides enquirers are interested in buying from an
independent, which means that you receive better quality sales leads.

"Indie-guides is a simple concept designed to be an inexpensive yet effective way of
helping independent businesses prosper against the tide of corporate competition."

Members are given space for a 200 word 'editorial', up to two images, contact
details including website and email hyperlinks, plus the chance to add keywords to
make the most of the indie-guides search facility.

There is no minimum membership period and indie-guides is currently offering a
launch promotion of a free 90-day trial, following which membership costs just �10
per month per outlet/location.

Steve adds: "Indie-guides is dedicated to boosting business for independent
retailers. Membership costs much less than newspaper or radio advertising yet it
will increase traffic to your website and generate email and telephone enquiries
from genuinely interested prospects.

"Indie-guides members will derive strength from a national network that boosts their
local presence."

For further details log onto

Web Site =

Contact Details = Steve Wickens
Managing Director
Monument Business Park
OX44 7RW
Tel: 01865 400948
Fax: 01865 400996

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